Monday, July 7, 2014

Profound childhood memory

           When I started to think about the most vivid childhood memory, my grandmother came to my mind right away. I spent every summer in her house, when I was a child. The most unforgettable memory is about her. She lived in a small town near Volgograd in Russia. She had her own house. This is a blue one-story wooden cottage with a big apple tree in front of it. On the left side of the yard was a small garden with berries and herbs. A hammock was under the tree. The big white dog lived in the little wooden house in the yard side.

Grandmother's house

Grandmother's garden

I have spent very happy childhood days there with my grandmother and there were a lot of interesting memories. The most unforgettable moment is how we drank tea with my grandmother on the back steps of the house. She always looked beautiful, at that moment she wore a dress with a flower print, her hair was in a bun. I liked her soft hands, they were touched by old days. She had very beautiful and kind blue eyes. A smile never left her lips. I made mint tea for her. The mint was grown in my grandmother’s garden, and all that I needed to do was to pick a few stems of mint and pour out hot water. It was pleasant to drink tea that had very strong and fresh mint smell in cool evening after a sweltering day. And to speak with my grandmother while playing children’s board games.

Mint tea

1 comment:

  1. we must get all your posts on one scrolling page...HAPPY WEEKEND!
