Thursday, August 7, 2014

New Haven taste of China

           When my friend said me that there is a good Chinese restaurant in New Haven, I was a little bit shocked. You can not find some necessary things in this town, but you can eat delicious Chinese food! Impossible!  
A few days after this conversation Monica, 2 of her friends, 2 of my friends and I went to the "New Haven Taste of China". I have never tried real Chinese food, except Peking duck. I was so excited!  
When we came there, Monica and her friends asked for a Chinese waiter and started talking with him in Chinese. When a waiter told them some names of dishes, we saw their enthusiastic faces. «Oooooh!» - they made that exultant sound all the time. We were slightly disappointed, but we understood that it would be a great dinner. 
After 5 minutes the show started. Waiters brought a lot of dishes one by one really fast. I did not know what was on the plates, but I felt a delicious smell. «Noodles with meat, rice, chicken with nuts, pork with oranges, tofu...» - our Chinese friends started to explain to us all the food on the table. I did not know where to look, what to try first. And then we all started eating. «Delicious, great, tasty, I've never tried this before!» - only these words we could say before all food was eaten. It was fantastic! At the end of the dinner the belt on my waist became too small for me :)  
It was an incredible experience. I would like to go to this restaurant one more time, but only one day left.. I will try to find such delicious Chinese food in Moscow. And even better will go to China one day! :)

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